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Last update : 26/06/2024

Blocked tear duct surgery : Affordable costs in Turkey 2025

Providing constant hydration and protection, tears act as a bulwark against external aggression, protecting the eye from disease and infection. Tears are secreted by the lacrimal glands and then drain through the lacrimal ducts at the bottom of the conjunctival nasal sac.

However, weakened by infection or pathology, the tear ducts can become compromised, requiring urgent medical attention.

Tear duct surgery in Turkey: Costs & Reviews

The cost of tear duct surgery in Turkey depends on the surgical technique used. Our eye clinics in Turkey guarantee excellent quality of care for the treatment of all your eye problems.

Whether you need a Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) to clear an obstructed tear duct or another surgical procedure, our experienced ophthalmology experts in Turkey will tailor a treatment to meet your specific needs.

From the moment you contact Turquie Santé, our dedicated teams support and advise you throughout your healthcare journey:

  • Pre-operative consultation with an experienced ophthalmic surgeon.
  • Preparation of a personalized and transparent estimate.
  • Logistical support: organization of transfers, accommodation and post-operative care.
  • Medical assistance available 24/7 with a multilingual interpreter.

Don't let watery eyes affect your quality of life. Choose an effective and affordable eye solution in Turkey!

Best Clinics with Verified Reviews

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Joint Commission International
ISO 9001:2008

  • Multispecialized hospital
  • 7 operating rooms
  • Capacity é of 170 beds
Joint Commission International
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008

  • Multispecialized hospital
  • Hospital founded in 2007
  • Very good reputation in ENT department
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008

MEDSTAR cheap price Tear duct surgery 3

Joint Commission International
ISO 9001:2008


International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008

LOKMAN HEKIM ISTANBUL cheap price Tear duct surgery 5

Joint Commission International
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008

LOKMAN HEKIM Üniversitesi cheap price Tear duct surgery 6

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008

Blocked tear duct surgery (adults & babies)

A constant flow of tears, also known as epiphora or permanent tearing, can be a symptom of a more serious eye problem: obstruction of the tear ducts. This condition affects adults and children alike and may require surgery to restore proper eye function.

Tear duct surgery, also known as lacrimal duct surgery, aims to correct the obstruction of the tear ducts and restore normal tear drainage. This eye problem affects infants and newborns as well as adults.

Diagnosis of blocked tear ducts in Turkey

The choice of surgical technique for a blocked tear duct depends on the diagnosis of the patient's case. With Turquie Santé, an experienced ophthalmologist will work with you to determine the most appropriate solution for your case.

Our ophthalmic surgeons perform a complete eye examination to identify and target the problem, and implement the appropriate treatment. To do this, a probe is inserted into the lacrimal duct, through which a physiological liquid is injected from the corner of the eye. If the liquid does not come out through the nose, this is a sign that the duct is blocked. As a result, the ophthalmologist will need to pinpoint the location of the obstruction.

Based on the examination and diagnosis results, your ophthalmologist in Turkey will be able to determine the most appropriate treatment. This may involve medical therapy with artificial drops or anti-allergic medication. If medical treatment is ineffective, watery eye surgery is a last resort.

Various operations for blocked tear ducts

Depending on the severity and location of the obstruction, several surgical techniques can be used to treat the problem of a blocked tear duct:

  • Dacryostenosis: This procedure aims to open an obstructed lacrimal duct in infants and young children.
  • Dacryocystectomy: This more invasive surgery removes the lacrimal sac in cases of chronic infection or other serious abnormalities.
  • Tear duct reconstruction surgery: To create a new tear duct in cases where the natural tear duct has been irreparably damaged.
  • Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR): This is the most common surgical technique used to treat obstruction of the lower tear duct. It involves creating a new opening between the tear sac and the nose to allow tears to flow normally.

Advice after dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)

In order to avoid the appearance of blisters under the skin, it is advisable not to blow the nose or sneeze for several days after the surgery. The patient will be prescribed treatments, such as antibiotic eye drops and painkillers, if necessary.

If the patient experiences severe pain or bleeding, he should consult his ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

In general, the patient should follow the following advice and instructions after dacryocystorhinostomy to ensure optimal results:

  • Do not blow your nose in the days following surgery to prevent bleeding.
  • Apply cold compresses to the wound to reduce swelling.
  • Take medication (antibiotic drops, anti-inflammatories, etc.).
  • Dress the wound. 

Alternatives to surgery to unblock lacrymal ducts

In addition to dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR),several other techniques can be used to unblock the tear ducts:

Tear duct massage

In infants, gentle massage of the lacrimal sac from top to bottom along the nose may help unblock the duct. This massage should be done several times a day (at least 4 to 5 times). This technique is often very effective.

Tear probing

If massage is not sufficient, a silicone probe may be inserted to unblock the nasolacrimal duct. This is usually done under local or general anesthesia. If the tear duct tends to become blocked, a silicone tube may be inserted for a few weeks.

Antibiotic treatment

If the blockage is temporary and caused by an infection, appropriate antibiotic treatment can often eliminate the infection and clear the tear duct.

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