Otosclerosis is a disease that causes progressive hearing loss. It is characterized by a hardening of the bone at the base of a small bone in the middle ear, the stirrup, which prevents it from vibrating properly. This blocks the transmission of sound to the inner ear.
Stapedectomy is a surgical procedure to correct this problem. The damaged stapes is removed and replaced with an artificial prosthesis. This prosthesis, which consists of a small plastic tube and metal wire, takes over the role of the natural stapes and restores normal hearing.
- People suffering from hearing loss caused by otosclerosis.
- Additional hearing loss.
- Vertigo or dizziness.
- Tinnitus.
- Infection.
- Facial nerve damage.
- Perilymphatic fistula.
- Hearing aids.
- Cochlear implants.
- Acupuncture.
- Approx. 1 hour.
Stapedectomy: Cost in Turkey
Turkey offers an economical alternative for a quality stapedectomy. For an average cost of 5,250 US dollars, regain optimal hearing and a better quality of life.
Bring your hearing back to life with a successful stapedectomy in Turkey!
Our surgeons, experts in otology, put their know-how to work for your well-being. Benefit from personalized support, quality care in modern clinics and rigorous post-operative follow-up.
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Stapedectomy: When and why?
Having trouble hearing, even when the sound is loud? Stapedectomy could be the solution. This surgical procedure is designed to correct deafness caused by a blockage in the middle ear, often due to a disease called otosclerosis.
Although otosclerosis is the main indication, stapedectomy can also be considered for other causes of stapes ankylosis, such as head trauma, infection or joint fixation.
During a stapedectomy, the surgeon replaces the stapes, a small bone in the middle ear, with a prosthesis to restore sound transmission. It's like replacing a faulty part in a complex mechanism.
If you suspect hearing loss, consult an ear, nose and throat specialist in Turkey. He or she will be able to confirm the diagnosis and explain whether stapedectomy is the best option for you.
Conductive hearing loss: What is it?
Conductive hearing loss occurs when sound vibrations cannot move freely through the outer or middle ear. One of the most common causes is stapes fixation, often due to a disease called otosclerosis.
Otosclerosis is a bone disease that affects the stapes and can lead to progressive hearing loss. Typical symptoms of otosclerosis include:
- Progressive hearing loss: You find it increasingly difficult to hear conversations, television or the radio.
- Tinnitus: you may hear disturbing noises such as whistling or buzzing.
- Vertigo: you may experience sensations of rotation or imbalance.
This condition, caused by sclerosis of the stapes, is usually treated surgically by stapedectomy.

Causes of otosclerosis
Otosclerosis, a bone disease of the middle ear, is the result of a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors. Although heredity plays a predominant role, with transmission often in families, the genetic picture of otosclerosis remains complex, probably involving several genes.
While genetic mutations have been identified, their precise mode of action in the abnormal bone formation characteristic of this disease is not yet fully understood.
Environmental factors, such as certain viral infections (notably measles) or hormonal influences, could act as triggers in genetically predisposed individuals, modulating the expression of the genes involved.
Diagnosis prior to stapedectomy
Otosclerosis is the main cause of stapedectomy. To establish a precise diagnosis, your otolaryngologist will perform a complete workup. This includes :
- A visual examination of the ears using an otoscope to detect any abnormalities.
- Audiometry: this test measures your ability to hear different sounds and determines the type of hearing loss (conductive, sensorineural or mixed).
- Impedancemetry: this test evaluates the mobility of the eardrum and middle ear ossicles, which are essential for sound transmission.
- Computed tomography (CT): this imaging test provides detailed images of the inner ear and confirms the diagnosis of otosclerosis.
These examinations help to determine the nature and extent of your deafness, and to ensure that stapedectomy is the most appropriate treatment for you.

Alternatives to stapedectomy
Before resorting to surgery, various alternatives can be considered:
- Hearing aids: These amplify sound and can considerably improve hearing in many cases.
- Medical treatments: Although they do not cure otosclerosis, certain medications can relieve the associated symptoms.
The stapedectomy process in Turkey
Before undergoing a stapedectomy, a precise hearing assessment will be carried out. In Turkey, the operation is performed under general anesthesia, so you'll be completely relaxed.
A small incision behind the ear allows the surgeon to access the middle ear and replace the stapes with a biocompatible prosthesis.
This procedure, which lasts around an hour, will enable you to regain clear hearing.
After the operation, a few simple treatments are all that's needed to ensure a rapid recovery.
Post-operative phase
After the operation, your hospital stay is generally short. A period of recovery at home is then necessary. Carefully follow your surgeon's advice on how to care for your ear and how to avoid straining it.
As with any operation, stapedectomy carries rare risks: infection, bleeding, dizziness or, exceptionally, damage to the facial nerve. Your surgeon will explain in detail the precautions you need to take to minimize these risks.
It's normal for your hearing to improve gradually over the next few weeks. Be patient, as the results are often very satisfactory.
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