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Septoplasty (deviated septum surgery): Best costs in Turkey 2025

Do you struggle with a stuffy nose, difficulty breathing, or disruptive snoring? These problems can be caused by a deviated septum, where the cartilage and bone separating your nostrils is misaligned.

Fortunately, there's a solution! Septoplasty is a safe and effective surgery performed by ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialists. It corrects the deviation in your septum, allowing for improved airflow and easier breathing.

Who is this procedure for?
  • Patients with a deviated or deformed nasal septum due to congenital causes, or traumatic events

Side effects
  • Opening in the septum (septum perforation)
  • Scars
  • Decreased sense of smell
  • Bleeding
  • Infections
  • Variation in the shape of the nose
Alternative treatments
Intervention or treatment's duration
  • From 1 hour to 2 hours
Recovery time
  • After the first 3-4 days, the swabs are removed
  • Avoid excessively demanding physical activities for 5 weeks

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Septoplasty in Turkey : Best costs & surgeons

Whether you're looking to improve the functionality or aesthetics of your nose, Turquie Santé connects you with highly qualified aesthetic surgeons in Turkey and around the world. 

During your medical stay in Turkey, you'll have access to personalized assistance and support from a team of multilingual interpreters.

The cost of a septoplasty in Turkey can vary between 2,000 and 3,000 Euros, depending on the patient's case.

Operate with confidence in state-of-the-art facilities that meet international standards, and entrust your nose to surgeons with recognized experience.

Best Clinics with Verified Reviews

LIV Vadistanbul 0

Joint Commission International
ISO 9001:2008

  • Multispecialized hospital
  • 7 operating rooms
  • Capacity é of 170 beds
Joint Commission International
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008

  • Multispecialized hospital
  • Hospital founded in 2007
  • Very good reputation in ENT department
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008

MEDSTAR cheap price Septoplasty 3

Joint Commission International
ISO 9001:2008


Joint Commission International
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008

LOKMAN HEKIM Üniversitesi cheap price Septoplasty 5

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008

What is a deviated septum surgery?

Septoplasty or deviated septum surgery is a purely functional surgical procedure that aims to straighten the septum (wall that divides your nostrils),to improve airflow.

A deviated septum, especially when it affects the cartilage in your lower nose, can lead to breathing problems and even sinusitis. Septoplasty corrects this by carefully repositioning the septum for better function.

In some cases, a deviated septum can also affect the appearance of your nose. If you'd like to address both breathing issues and cosmetic concerns, a combined procedure called rhinoseptoplasty can be performed. This combines septoplasty with rhinoplasty (cosmetic nose surgery) for a more comprehensive solution.

Deviated septum : Causes and symptoms

A deviated septum can significantly impact your well-being, causing both functional and cosmetic problems. Septoplasty surgery can correct this issue and improve your quality of life.

There are two causes of a deviated septum:

  • Congenital: the deformity is already present at birth.
  • After an injury or a trauma

Consider septoplasty if you have any of these symptoms:

  • Difficulty breathing: You may feel stuffy, often on only one side of the nose.
  • Snoring: permanent breathing discomfort due to nasal obstruction (blockage of one nostril).
  • Facial or nasal pain or headaches.
  • Frequent nosebleeds: Dryness and irritation due to blocked passages.
  • Chronic sinusitis: a deviated septum can prevent the sinuses from draining properly, leading to sinus or ear infections.
  • Sleep apnea: where breathing stops and starts repeatedly during sleep.
  • Migraine headaches following a unilateral sinus infection.
  • Noisy or difficult breathing.
  • Sneezing attacks.

Septoplasty process in Turkey

The septoplasty process in Turkey include:

Diagnosis and planning

  • A painless X-ray called fluoroscopy will be used to assess the severity of your deviation and determine the best surgical approach.

Minimally invasive surgery

  • Most septoplasty procedures in Turkey utilize a closed technique, meaning incisions are made within your nostrils, leaving no external scars.
  • The surgeon carefully lifts the mucous membrane (lining) to access and straighten the septum.

Correction and stabilization

  • During surgery, the surgeon reshapes or removes obstructing parts of the septum to improve airflow.
  • Tiny splints may be placed inside the nose for support during healing.


  • Septoplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia and takes 1–2 hours.
  • You can expect easier breathing and improved nasal function after recovery.

In rare cases, an open approach may be necessary. This involves a small incision at the base of the nose, but even this scar is typically very subtle. This approach offers greater access to complex deviations.

After successful septoplasty in Turkey, most patients experience significantly improved breathing. This can lead to better sleep, increased energy levels, and a reduction in facial pressure or headaches.

Postoperative course of septoplasty

Swelling of the nose can be seen after the operation due to the presence of the wicks in the nasal cavity.

Bruising may occur in some patients with swelling of the nose, resulting in pain and breathing discomfort.

Painkillers are strongly recommended in case of pain.

Regular cleaning of the nasal cavity is recommended to remove postoperative crusts.

You can also apply ice to deflate the operated area.

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Frequently asked questions

The price of a septoplasty at our partner clinics and hospitals in Turkey varies between 2000 and 3000 euros. The cost depends on the fees set by each clinic according to its location, the experience of its surgeons, and the complexity of the nasal deviation treatment performed.

For complete healing following septoplasty surgery, patients can wait up to two months. This is the time needed for nasal breathing to become much easier. However, general health and the complexity of the treatment can influence recovery time.

Several factors can contribute to a failed septoplasty, such as:

  • Deep and very complex septal deviation
  • Suture rupture
  • Displacement of cartilage support
  • Excessive healing response to septal deviation (hypertrophic healing)

No, this procedure to treat deviated nasal septum is not extremely painful. Even if the patient experiences post-operative pain, this can be managed by taking painkillers.

Breathing through the mouth for the first 24 hours is the only possible solution following septoplasty surgery, as nasal packings are still wired. On the second day, they are removed to facilitate subsequent air suction, while the nasal splints will be extracted after ten days, when the patient will regain comfort.

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