Pediatric cardiology is a medical specialty dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of heart disease in children from birth through adolescence.
Pediatric cardiologists are experts trained to identify and treat a wide range of heart problems, whether present at birth (congenital) or acquired throughout life.
- Children suffering from heart disease (congenital or acquired).
- It all depends on the complexity of the cardiac procedure.
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Consult a pediatric cardiologist: warning signs
Your child's heart deserves your full attention. Consult a pediatric cardiologist if you notice any of the following:
- Difficulty breathing
- Unusual tiredness
- Bluish discoloration of the lips or fingernails
- Swelling of the legs or feet
- Chest pain.
- Fainting spells
- Irregular heartbeat or slower-than-expected growth.
Even if your child seems to be doing well, regular follow-up is recommended if there is a family history of heart disease or if an abnormality was detected during pregnancy. This allows us to detect any problems early and provide appropriate treatment if needed. Don't hesitate to ask your pediatrician or pediatric cardiologist any questions you may have.
Risk factors
There are many risk factors for heart disease in children. They may include:
- A family history of heart disease.
- Certain infections the mother had during pregnancy (such as rubella).
- Maternal diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure.
- Chromosomal abnormalities, such as trisomy 21.
These factors can increase the likelihood of congenital heart defects in the newborn.

Diagnosis of heart disease in children
The diagnosis of heart disease in children is based on several tests:
- Clinical examination: The pediatric cardiologist will auscultate the heart, take blood pressure, and ask about symptoms.
- Electrocardiogram (ECG): This test records the electrical activity of the heart.
- Echocardiography: Uses ultrasound to visualize the heart and its structures.
- Cardiac MRI: Provides highly detailed images of the heart.
- Cardiac catheterization: To examine the chambers and blood vessels of the heart.
Treatment of heart disease in children
Heart disease in children can take many forms, from malformations present at birth to disorders that develop during growth.
The most common heart diseases in children include :
- Congenital heart defects: Abnormalities present at birth that affect the structure of the heart. They can affect the heart walls, valves, large vessels, etc.
- Heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmias): Irregular heartbeats, either too fast or too slow.
- Heart muscle diseases (cardiomyopathies): Conditions that weaken the heart muscle.
- Heart valve disease: Problems affecting the valves that regulate blood flow in the heart.
- Heart infections: such as endocarditis, a disease of the heart valves.
Treatment of heart disease in children depends on the type and severity of the condition. It may include :
- Medication: To regulate heart rhythm, control blood pressure or treat heart failure.
- Surgery: to correct complex heart defects.
- Interventional procedures: to widen arteries or place stents.

Different types of pediatric cardiac surgery
Pediatric cardiac surgery is highly individualized and tailored to each child, depending on the nature and complexity of his or her heart problem.
The most common procedures include:
- Plugging of heart communications: When there are "holes" between the heart chambers (interatrial or interventricular communications),surgeons can close them with patches to restore normal blood flow.
- Correcting tetralogy of Fallot: This complex malformation requires a more extensive operation. The surgeon corrects several abnormalities at once, such as widening an outflow tract of the heart, closing a hole, and improving blood flow to the lungs.
- Correction of transposition of the great vessels: In this malformation, the blood-carrying vessels are reversed. The procedure consists of reconnecting them to ensure proper oxygenation of the blood.
- Heart valve repair or replacement: Heart valves can malfunction by being too narrow (stenosis) or failing to close completely (insufficiency). The surgeon may repair these valves or replace them with a prosthetic valve.
- Heart transplant: In the most severe cases, when other treatments are not enough, a heart transplant may be considered to save the child's life.
Technological advances in pediatric cardiology in Turkey
Technological advances have transformed pediatric cardiac surgery in Turkey. Thanks to minimally invasive surgery, incisions are now smaller, reducing trauma and speeding up postoperative recovery.
Robot-assisted surgery also offers greater precision, allowing the surgeon to manipulate instruments remotely.
Meanwhile, heart prostheses are being continuously improved to ensure greater durability and efficiency.
Finally, 3D printing makes it possible to create personalized models of the heart, facilitating preoperative planning and optimizing surgical outcomes.
Thanks to advances in pediatric cardiology, most pediatric heart diseases can be effectively treated, giving these young patients a better outlook for the future.

Pediatric heart surgery procedures
Each pediatric heart surgery is unique and tailored to the child's specific malformation.
Key stages of pediatric heart surgery
The key stages of pediatric heart surgery are :
- Preparation and anesthesia: The child is safely put to sleep with a general anesthetic chosen based on the child's age and the complexity of the procedure.
- Access to the heart: The surgeon makes an incision in the chest to expose the heart.
- Correcting the deformity: Repairs are performed with great precision using surgical techniques tailored to each case.
- Closing the incision: Once the correction is complete, the incision is carefully closed.
Techniques used
To facilitate the operation, the surgeon may use a variety of techniques:
- Extracorporeal circulation: A machine temporarily takes over the function of the heart and lungs, allowing the surgeon to operate with the heart immobile.
- Deep circulatory arrest: The heart is stopped for a very short time to allow time for the most delicate repairs.
Choice of anesthesia
The choice of anesthesia is critical and depends on a number of factors: the age of the child, the type of malformation, and the expected duration of the operation.
- Inhaled and intravenous general anesthesia: rapid induction and maintenance of deep unconsciousness.
- Supplemental locoregional anesthesia: Used in conjunction with general anesthesia for certain procedures.
Pediatric cardiology in Turkey
Are you concerned about your child's heart health? Turkey offers a world-class solution. Our partners, which include some of the best pediatric cardiology facilities in the world, offer their expertise and cutting-edge technology to provide effective care for your child.
We provide personalized support throughout the entire process, from initial treatment to post-operative care.
Trust us with your child's health. Ask for your personal, no-obligation quote. We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
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