Moles and other skin blemishes are often perceived as aesthetic imperfections. But their presence can also signal a health risk. Changes in color, size, or shape, whether associated with symptoms or not, can be a sign of a precancerous or cancerous lesion.
Surgical removal of these lesions not only improves the appearance of the skin, but also allows for accurate diagnosis and eliminates any risk of cancer development.
- People wishing to get rid of moles and skin moles.
- Cutaneous tumor excision.
- The intervention lasts a few minutes.
- Total recovery in a few days.
Getting a mole removed : Competitive costs in Turkey
Turquie Santé offers you a customized solution for mole removal. Benefit from recognized medical expertise and some of the lowest prices around.
With Turquie Santé, we guarantee you access to:
- Highly qualified doctors: Our dermatologists specialize in mole removal and are selected based on their experience and results.
- Advanced techniques: We use the latest technology to ensure a precise, effective and minimally invasive procedure.
- Transparent pricing: Our estimates are personalized and include all costs associated with the procedure.
- Personalized follow-up: We're with you every step of the way, from preoperative consultation to postoperative care.
The cost of the procedure varies depending on several factors:
- The technique used: Surgery, surgical shaving or laser.
- The location: face, neck, back, etc.
- The number of moles to be removed.
Don't hesitate to contact us for a personalized quote and to find out what our patients think.
Best Clinics with Verified Reviews

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What are moles?
Melanocytic nevi, more commonly known as moles, are benign skin growths that occur in the majority of the population. Their location varies, but they are commonly found on the face and body.
While the presence of these nevi is generally of no concern, some people may wish to have them removed for aesthetic or discomfort reasons. Although they are generally benign, any change in color, size or shape should be a cause for concern and warrant a dermatological consultation. In fact, these changes may be a sign of malignant transformation.
Concerned about your well-being and your appearance? Turquie Santé offers you personalized solutions for the removal of moles. Our expert dermatologists perform thorough examinations to determine the nature of each lesion and recommend the most appropriate treatment. Using state-of-the-art laser techniques, we ensure precise and effective removal, minimizing risks and scarring.
Trust our expertise for healthy skin and optimal comfort!

Is it effective to remove a mole at home?
There are major concerns about the safety and effectiveness of removing moles at home. Grandmotherly methods, such as using scissors or irritating products like iodine or apple cider vinegar, can lead to irreversible complications and infections. They may even mask a more serious skin problem.
We strongly recommend that you see a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. This specialist will be able to suggest various medical techniques, carried out under optimal hygienic conditions, to eliminate your mole in complete safety.

When should I see a dermatologist about a mole?
The presence of a mole may raise concerns about a possible risk of skin cancer. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist if you notice any changes in your mole, such as :
- Asymmetry.
- Irregular borders.
- Uneven color.
- Increase in size or development over time.
In Turkey, the dermatologist will perform a thorough clinical examination and may perform a biopsy to confirm or refute the diagnosis of melanoma. If necessary, surgical removal will be suggested. The choice of surgical technique (excision, shave) depends on the nature of the lesion and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Mole removal in Turkey: laser or scalpel
During an initial dermatology consultation, your skin will be thoroughly evaluated. A dermoscopic examination is performed to detect skin lesions that are not visible to the naked eye. Depending on the clinical and dermoscopic findings, an excisional biopsy may be suggested to make a formal histologic diagnosis and rule out any risk of malignancy.
Treatment of benign nevi
For benign nevi, CO2 laser treatment is the gold standard. Performed under local anesthesia, this technique allows rapid and precise vaporization of lesions, with satisfactory aesthetic results. Multiple nevi can be treated in a single session.
Treatment of suspicious nevi
When a nevus has suspicious characteristics, surgical excision is performed. This procedure, performed under local anesthesia, requires meticulous preparation and is performed under strict aseptic conditions. After complete excision of the nevus, the skin is sutured to optimize healing. The surgical specimen is systematically sent to an anatomic pathology laboratory for histologic analysis.
Postoperative follow-up
Sutures are usually removed after ten days to allow for optimal healing. Local care is prescribed to promote healing and prevent complications.

Postoperative recovery
After the removal of moles, the recovery period varies from person to person and generally depends on the use of stitches. Within a few days, you may feel a return to your normal state. The total recovery time depends on the size and depth of the mole removed. You may feel some pain or itching. However, severe pain is unlikely. Your doctor will give you instructions on how to keep the area clean. He/she will advise you to keep the area dry and to avoid exercise if you have stitches.
Finally, you should be aware that some scarring may occur after mole removal. If you feel pain or notice that the mole is growing back, contact your doctor as soon as possible so that he/she can examine you again.
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Mole removal is performed under local anesthesia, where the dermatologist removes the mole and uses either a special light or heat to close the veins under it.
The removal is performed by :
- Laser ablation
- Excision with stitches
- Excision without stitches
The main reasons people remove a mole are either cosmetic or medical, where it may indicate a tumor or skin-related problems.
Moles are a common form of skin condition. They are black or brown in color, the result of an accumulation of melanocytes that are responsible for melanin production.
Melanocytes are usually due to hormonal problems.
The removal of the mole leaves a scar that can disappear in 1 to 3 years. It is according to the size, location, and depth of the mole that the time of disappearance of the scar is defined.
It happens that moles grow back, so you can remove them a second time, it does not cause any problems.