Are you looking for a natural solution to enhance your body shape? Look no further than lipofilling in Turkey. This revolutionary procedure allows you to use your own fat to achieve a more sculpted and youthful appearance.
People who want:
- Increase the volume of lips, cheekbones and chin
- Filling the upper surface of the hands and cosmetic defects
- Rejuvenate and renew the body and face
- Filler (hyaluronic acid injection)
- Injection of collagen
- Face PRP injection
It all depends on the area being treated
Lipofilling cost in Istanbul's clinics in Turkey
The final price of Lipofilling (fat) depends on many factors and will be determined during the initial free online consultation.
Don't be too affected by the price! Look for doctors who perform Lipofilling (fat) surgery on the Turquie Santé list based on city or Lipofilling (fat) reviews. The cost of a lipofilling session can vary considerably depending on the areas to be treated and especially on the amount of fat to be removed and then infiltrated.
Best Clinics with Verified Reviews

- Multispecialized hospital
- 7 operating rooms
- Capacity é of 170 beds

- Multispecialized hospital
- Hospital founded in 2007
- Very good reputation in ENT department

What is fat transfer?
Fat transfer, also known as lipofilling, is a surgical procedure in which fat is removed from one area of the body and re-injected into another area that needs additional volume.
This procedure is commonly used in Istanbul, Turkey for aesthetic purposes to reshape or increase soft tissue volume. It can also be used for reconstructive purposes.

The operating phases of lipofilling in Istanbul, Turkey
The lipofilling procedure consists of three phases:
- Fat tissue harvesting: Fat is removed from a donor site through liposuction. This can be done on various parts of the body where there is an accumulation of fat, such as the abdomen, hips, knees, or thighs. Liposuction can also reshape the donor area, providing additional aesthetic benefits.
- Purification of the harvested fat
- The purified fat is reinjected into a three-dimensional model using specially designed needles. The fat cells must be in contact with the recipient tissue to receive the oxygen and nutrients necessary for their survival.
Lipofilling in Istanbul's clinics can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the patient's preference and the surgeon's recommendations. In some cases, several lipofilling sessions may be required throughout 3 to 6 months to achieve the desired results.
It is important to note that lipofilling is a surgical procedure and may involve risks and complications. It is essential to consult with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon in Turkey to discuss the benefits, potential risks, and realistic expectations associated with lipofilling.
In what situations is lipofilling used?
With the Lipofilling method, body fat is used as a filling agent, for all the different types of facial wrinkles, such as those on the forehead, nasolabial ankles, and perioral wrinkles, to increase the volume of the lips, cheekbones, and chin. Fat transfer is also applied to fill the upper surface of the hands and cosmetic blemishes due to acne.
It is very popular as a method to define, sculpt, and fill in various areas of the body such as the buttocks and breasts, giving a lifting effect to these areas as well. Indeed, lipofilling is often used in the area of the buttocks and breasts to modify the contours and improve the shapes, permanently, without infiltration of substances foreign to the body, but with autologous tissue.
Fat injection results
To obtain a maximum renewal, 3 to 4 similar sessions are generally necessary at five-week intervals. Purified autologous adipose tissue is stored in the freezer for use in future transplants. It is normal for a percentage of the implanted fat to be absorbed by the body. But in the end, about half of the total fat tissue that was implanted settles permanently in the place where it was injected and plays its role there forever.
An allergy test is not necessary before application, since the tissue is autologous and is prevented from the organism itself.
After the treatment, the treated area is likely to swell, but this swelling disappears quickly. In the end, injections and autologous fat transfer fill in facial wrinkles and the skin regains a fresher, more youthful appearance.
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