Originally, Ecstasy was used by young adults during parties. Today, this drug affects a wider category of consumers. Commonly referred to as the “love drug,” ecstasy is euphoric, empathogenic (stimulates empathy) and entactogenic (facilitates tactile contact).
Treatment for ecstasy addiction should therefore be done in a clinic or a hospital with the help of an addictologist. This treatment also requires the collaboration of several specialized doctors, confirmed psychiatrists and psychologists.
Thanks to Turquie Santé counselors, you will find the best addictology centers for your ecstasy addiction treatment in Turkey.
Treatment of MDMA addiction in a hospital in Turkey: at what cost
Addictology hospitals and clinics in Turkey have many years of experience in the treatment of drug addiction. As a result, their programs have proven their effectiveness over time with a high success rate. Adding to that, these establishments have accreditation from important authorities as well as several hundred satisfied patients.
Although the care offered in private clinics in Turkey is of an excellent quality, its prices are generally affordable. Contact Turquie Santé advisers for a free and personalized cost estimate.
Best Clinics with Verified Reviews

What is Ecstasy ?
Scientifically known by the name MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine),Ecstasy has the same characteristics and effects of amphetamine and mescaline. However, it may contain other substances such as:
- Caffeine;
- Ephedrine;
- Amphetamines;
- Dextromethorphan;
- Ketamine;
- LSD.
Dextromethorphan, a very dangerous additive, can be found in ecstasy as well. It may also contain very toxic substances such as para-Methoxyamphetamine.
Commonly known as “EX”, “XTC”, “Molly” or “Candy”, Ecstasy can contain up to 50% MDMA. Its components cannot be determined precisely because it is often synthesized clandestinely.
This drug usually comes in the form of a colored pill, adorned with a small drawing representing a heart, lightning bolt or a star. It can also come in the form of powder or in pills.

How does a person become dependent on MDMA?
MDMA acts on three neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Its empathogenic effects of MDMA are due to the release of serotonin in large amounts. Serotonin stimulates the secretion of oxytocin and vasopressin. These two hormones increase the sensation of love, confidence and sexual impulse.
Once the effect of ecstasy wears off, dopamine levels drop, making the consumer feel depressed and nervous.
The crash, which can be particularly irritable, causes a state of fatigue, stress and anxiety followed by a withdrawal crisis. Therefore, the consumer seeks to alleviate withdrawal symptoms by increasing the doses consumed. This way, the frequency of consumption increases and the subject becomes dependent on Ecstasy.
What Are the Consequences of Ecstasy Addiction?
The effects of Ecsta can be summarized in three broad categories:
Medium-term consequences
- Lack of energy, inability to react, indifference to emotion (Apathy)
- Depression
- Anxiety
Intoxication consequence
In an overdose of MDMA or consuming a mixture of Ecstasy and alcohol, for example, poisoning can be caused. The latter is characterized by:
- Seizures;
- Fever and dehydration;
- Arterial hypotension;
- Cardiovascular problems;
- Left ventricular failure, pulmonary venous hypertension and alveolar flooding (lung edema);
- Hepatorenal syndrome.
The increased levels of serotonin in the brain, due to MDMA, can lead to the development of serotonin syndrome. The latter is manifested by:
- Sweat;
- Diarrhea;
- Fever;
- Vomiting and nausea;
- Insomnia or hypersomnia;
- Fast heartbeat (tachycardia);
- Motor function disorders;
- Confusion and anxiety;
- Coma (in the most severe cases).
Long term consequences
MDMA can worsen already existing conditions such as:
- High blood pressure ;
- Eye, cardiovascular, hepatic and kidney diseases;
- Diabetes ;
- Epilepsy.
Long-term consumption of XTC can have neurodegenerative effects on neurons. This can lead to cognitive and psychomotor impairment.
Other mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety can be linked to the use of MDMA.
How to help someone addicted to Ecstasy (Molly)?
In order to help your loved one overcome his addiction, you should not belittle or rush him by rushing through the process. Above all, do not intimidate him, he will take you for a threat. These behaviors block the conversation and weaken trust. The most effective way to progress is to respect the other's tempo and be attentive to what he may be expressing. You can encourage him while relying on the support of an expert, a counselor or a specialist doctor. A consultation in addictology is just as possible.
With the help of Turquie Santé, call on an addictologist, a psychiatrist or psychotherapist for effective treatment.
Benefits of MDMA addiction treatment in Turkey
Turquie Santé consultants will guide you to the best addiction treatment clinics in Turkey. These clinics have two basic principles:
Respect your anonymity (medical confidentiality)
As a patient, your private life will be protected. Indeed, you can submit your application and contact clinics and hospitals in Turkey without having to disclose your personal information.
Ensuring autonomy and maintaining patient dignity
patients are treated humanely. Their privacy is respected. Your stay will be very comfortable and you will feel as if you were at your own house.
Ecstasy addiction treatment at a clinic in Turkey: the steps
The XTC addiction treatment program includes two therapies which can be cited as follows:
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
CBT is therapy for relapses. It is to help addicts detoxify and refrain from the use of MDMA.
Group therapy
Self-help groups can be effective in maintaining abstinence. Group therapies are included in our therapeutic program.
Patients benefit from the support and those who are in the same conditions.
Ecsta addiction: how to avoid a relapse?
To avoid slippage that could lead to loss of control at the risk of relapse, here are our tips:
- Stay motivated: Make a list including the benefits of quitting;
- Avoid consuming even one tablet during parties;
- Stop buying MDMA, throw away the tablets in your possession;
- Do not isolate yourself, spend more time with your friends or relatives;
- Avoid people who have introduced you to using this drug;
- If you slip up, find out why you used Ecstasy again. Once these reasons are found, make a list of triggers to avoid in the future;
- You have to put in place a new lifestyle and reorganize your life. If you are a party person, you have to clean up your life and challenge yourself;
- It's okay to regret, but don't beat yourself up too much. It can trap you in a vicious cycle and you can relapse;
- Learn to ask for help when it's needed. If you suffer from depression or anxiety, see a doctor specializing in psychiatry or psychotherapy;
- If you have withdrawal symptoms (depression, anxiety and nervousness) contact your doctor immediately;
- Think about the circumstances that led to your addiction in the first place. Make sure that you no longer find yourself in the same conditions;
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Ecstasy remains in the blood for up to three hours, while it can be detected in urine even after four days of use. However, traces of ecstasy can remain in the body's metabolism for longer periods, as they can remain in the hair for up to 3 months.
Ecstasy is nicknamed the "love drug" for its empathogenic (generating empathy) and entactogenic (facilitating physical contact) effects. As such, it enhances sexual desire.
Detoxification at our addiction treatment centers can take up to six months or even longer. This depends on the level of dependence and damage caused by the drug.
Withdrawal from ecstasy can affect the patient's psychic and physiological well-being as:
- Anxiety and agitation.
- Loss of appetite.
- Memory and concentration problems, etc.
There is no proven drug treatment for MDMA addiction. However, many specialists can use modafinil to minimize symptoms.
To stop taking ecstasy, you need to start by changing your environment. This means avoiding contact with people who encourage drug-taking.
After that, Turquie Santé invites you to take part in the support program rehab set up by our professionals at our medical-psychological centers.