Dermabrasion is a cosmetic treatment practised in Istanbul , Turkey for about ten years. It consists in eliminating the superficial layer of the skin up to the superficial dermis or more deeply according to the defects to be corrected. Thanks to the phenomena of natural healing, the skin's cells will be reconstituted step by step.
The operation does not require hospitalization and takes place in the office under local anaesthesia. It is well performed in our partner doctors based in Istanbul.
It is a real anti-aging technique to improve the appearance of the skin.
- People with brown pigment spots
- Signs of aging and wrinkles
- Superficial scars of acne, tattoos ...
- Blackheads
- Stretch marks
- Scars
- Redness
- Swellings
- The session lasts an average of 45 minutes.
- The result is visible one week after the intervention
- The treatment can be renewed once or twice a year
- 95%
Price of Dermbrasion in Turkey
You can request a quote for the price of a session in the clinics of Turkey, Istanbul, Izmir, and Ankara by sending your file and our partners will answer you quickly.
Best Clinics with Verified Reviews

- Multispecialized hospital
- 7 operating rooms
- Capacity é of 170 beds

- Multispecialized hospital
- Hospital founded in 2007
- Very good reputation in ENT department

Who is this treatment for?
The indications of dermabrasion are:
- Brown pigment spots.
- Signs of aging: wrinkles.
- Superficial scars of acnes, tattoos ...
- Blackheads.
- Stretch marks.
- Angiomas (wine stains).

What are the types of dermabrasion?
The micro dermabrasion
The treatment consists in removing the dead cells of the skin in a very fine way using a device that projects microcrystals at high speed and removes the cellular skin debris. A new layer of firmer skin is formed. This operation is very simple and painless.
This technique is very effective for the treatment of acnes, wrinkles, and spots.
Non ablative laser: mini lift
This treatment combines micro-dermabrasion with laser scanning, which gives the skin a tensor effect thanks to radio frequency waves. It is indicated for treatment of the face, neck, neckline and hands to erase signs of fatigue, gray complexion and stains.
The ablative laser
The doctor does a local anesthesia and then, using a laser, makes small burns in the epidermis and superficial dermis. Once “destroyed”, the latter are replaced by the neogenesis of a new homogeneous, firmer, smoother, and scarless layer.

How long is the session?
The session lasts an average of 45 minutes.

How many sessions are needed?
A single session is sufficient in our partner hospitals in Istanbul Turkey to have a satisfactory result. Treatment can be renewed once or twice a year.
What are the risks?
Dermabrasion complications are rare. Scars, redness, swelling, hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, acne flare, infection, allergic reaction or increased sun sensitivity can be seen.
In all cases, a competent and experienced professional should be chosen.
How to maintain skin after dermabrasion?
To prevent these complications, it is recommended to clean the skin several times a day to avoid infections. The scrub is contraindicated and do not touch the crusts that may form. Solar eviction is mandatory during the first few days and the application of an anti-sun cream is always necessary.
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