Congenital malformations such as craniosynostosis can affect the growth of the skull in newborns. This rare condition is characterized by premature closure of the cranial sutures, resulting in cranial deformities and, in some cases, compression of brain development.
With early surgical intervention, many children with craniosynostosis are able to develop normally and lead active lives.
- Children with craniosynostosis (scaphocephaly, brachycephaly, trigonocephaly)
- People with syndromic craniostenosis (Crouzon, Apert, Muenke...)
- Adults who have suffered an accident that has changed the shape of the skull
- Swelling and bruising
- Pain
- Neurological complications
- Blood loss
- 47 min
- 3 days hospitalization
Price of craniosynostosis treatment in Turkey
In fact, surgery should not be performed after the first year of life. This is because a baby's brain grows very rapidly, especially during the first 3 months. What's more, the malleability of a newborn's skull means that permanent correction of the brain's shape is more likely.
Don't waste any more time and get this malformation treated in Turkey today at competitive prices.
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What is craniosynostosis?
Craniosynostosis, also known as craniostenosis, is a growth disorder of the skull that affects infants. The condition is characterized by premature fusion of the sutures, the flexible joints that connect the bones of the skull. This premature fusion prevents the brain from developing normally and leads to changes in the shape and size of the skull.
There are many causes of craniosynostosis, including
- Genetic mutations.
- Environmental factors.
- Postnatal events such as infection or trauma.
- The consequences of this condition can be both aesthetic and functional, with a potential impact on the child's neurological development.

Signs of craniosynostosis
The symptoms of craniosynostosis are varied and depend on the suture involved and the extent of bone fusion. Signs may affect the physical appearance of the affected individual and may include various disorders in other parts of the body.
Typical findings include:
Skull deformity
This is where premature closure of the cranial sutures leads to stagnation of the cranial perimeter. Cranial deformities include:
- Sagittal suture: elongated, narrow skull (scaphocephaly).
- Coronal suture: short, broad skull (brachycephaly) or asymmetrical skull (plagiocephaly).
- Metopic suture: Pointed forehead (trigonocephaly).
- Lambdoid suture: Flat or asymmetrical back of the skull.
- Bony bumps and ridges may also appear along the fused suture, and the fontanelle (the soft area of the newborn's head) may fuse prematurely.
Functional disorders
In addition to cranial deformities, craniosynostosis may cause:
- Respiratory problems: snoring, sleep apnea, breathing difficulties.
- Eye problems: Strabismus, hyperopia, astigmatism, high intracranial pressure that can damage the optic nerve.
- Developmental delay: Learning disabilities, conduct disorder, psychomotor retardation.
- Other: Increased intracranial pressure, seizures, hydrocephalus (accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain).

Craniostenosis Treatment in Turkey
Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are essential to limit the consequences of craniosynostosis. In cases of severe craniosynostosis, our neurosurgical experts in Turkey perform surgery. This should be done as early as possible to avoid the risk of the disease worsening.
Treatment of craniosynostosis is primarily surgical and aims to reshape the skull and allow normal brain development. Surgery is usually performed in early childhood. The surgeon will use one of the following methods to do this:
- Endoscopy: often used to treat frontal craniostenosis through an incision.
- Craniectomy: involves removing a portion of the skull bone to reshape it.
- Osteotomy: involves making an expansion incision in the bone to promote growth.
- Osteodistraction: stretching the bones of the skull using special equipment.
Our neurosurgeons in Turkey may combine several procedures to achieve optimal results. Wearing a cranial correction helmet after surgery also promotes successful skull reshaping.
Turquie Santé offers its patients a wide choice of accredited clinics in Turkey. Our partner facilities are equipped with the most advanced technological tools and skilled personnel.
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