Colorectal disorders may be really disabling for some people who experience them. They may result from a mucositis, a colon cancer or other digestive tract's disorders. Fortunately, there are several invasive and non-invasive treatments for these types of diseases.
Colorectal surgery in Turkey was practiced for more than 25 years. Indeed, this procedure is a part of digestive surgery and cancer treatment procedures.
They involve removing the cancerous tumour located in the colon or rectum (which mainly affects people over 65 years). They also treat inflammatory bowel diseases (such as haemorrhoids) and pelvic functional disorders.
The average Price of Colorectal Cancer Treatment in Istanbul
Turquie Santé puts you in touch with the most reputable hospitals and clinics in Istanbul, Turkey. This will enable you to benefit from the best quote for colorectal cancer treatment with the most reasonable prices within the services of clinics, hospitals, and oncology centers in Istanbul, Turkey.
Best Clinics with Verified Reviews

- Multispecialized hospital
- 7 operating rooms
- Capacity é of 170 beds

Robotic Vs Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery in Turkey
There are several types of colorectal surgical procedures (also called colon & rectum surgeries). Among these surgical procedures in Turkish clinics, we can mention:
- Laparoscopic colorectal surgery in Turkey;
- Colorectal robotic surgery.
The type of the procedure to be performed is decided by the doctor. It mainly depends on the location of the tumour, as well as its distance from the anus.
What is Colorectal Robotic Surgery?
Colorectal Robotic surgery is a minimally invasive surgery. The latter can be indicated when the surgeons think that it is more safe and advantageous for the patient.
Like other minimally invasive techniques, the robotic surgical procedure consists in performing small incisions. This would decrease the complication risks compared to open surgeries.
What is Laparoscopic colorectal Surgery in Turkey?
The Laparoscopic surgery allows the removal of colon and rectum segments through small incisions. The surgeons perform this intervention using a digital camera and advanced equipment.
Laparoscopy has been proven to give have better results in the treatment of many types of cancer. This includes a decreased risk of infection and a short recovery time. These are mainly due to the small size of the surgical incision, which result in less discomfort and a fast healing.
Which technique is better?
The Robotic surgical intervention have more advantages when compared to laparoscopy. For the rectal cancer, the robot allows a preciser rectum incision, out of the compressed area where it is situated.
However, this type of surgery is an innovative technique that has not been well studied yet. When employed unsuitably, robot assisted surgeries can possibly increase clinic and other medical costs.

Preparations needed before the Colorectal Surgical Procedure
The preparation for the procedure begins a few weeks before the day of the operation. It starts with a meeting with the surgeon, to discuss the different details of the operation such as:
- The type of anesthesia;
- Diet;
- The potential complications.

What should I do during this period?
During this period, it is very advisable to eat well to ensure a quick cure. Quitting smoking is an obligation to eliminate the risk of complications after the intervention.
What should I do the day of the intervention?
The day of the intervention, a bath with an antibacterial sponge is also very necessary. It is advisable to take sources of carbohydrates such as grape juice, iced tea and clear apple juice.
This step is very important for the smooth running of the intervention and the recovery of the body after the intervention.
Side Effects of Colon Cancer Surgical Procedure
In the case of colorectal surgeries, the side effects are inevitable. However, they differ from one person to another.
In fact, they generally depend on the patient's state of health, the type of invasive procedure and his diet. That's why it is important to respect the preoperative instructions of the doctor.
What are the potential Risks & Side Effects?
If you don't get well-prepared for this type of procedure you may experience some temporary complications. These are mild side effects that may appear in the form of:
- Pain;
- Bleeding due to injured blood vessels;
- Diarrhoea or constipation;
- Infections;
- Sexual disorders;
- Bladder disorders;
- Post-surgical colon leak.
You can contact your doctor if you feel any pain or discomfort, he will do the necessary to alleviate your symptoms. It is important to note that you should not take any painkillers without his approbation.
When should I expect these Side Effects to appear?
These effects may be short-term, medium-term or long-term complications. It means that they can occur in different periods of time, including:
- During the intervention;
- After a few days or weeks of the intervention;
- Years after the surgical procedure.
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