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Full health check-up (medical exam) in Turkey | Best prices & Specialists 2025

A full health check-up in Turkey, also known as a "preventive health examination", is a series of medical tests and examinations performed systematically, occasionally or periodically on a healthy or sick person. The purpose of a health examination is to assess the health of an individual at an early stage.

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Prices of a full medical checkup in Turkey

The cost of a general check-up depends on a number of factors, including the patient's age. This is an important factor in determining the number of examinations required to assess the patient's general state of health. The average price of a general check-up in Turkey is around 812 dollars.

This includes blood tests, urinalysis, eye examinations, hearing check-ups and so on. Depending on the results of the check-up, you may also benefit from medical care that meets your expectations.

Generally speaking, the cost of medical services in Turkey is not very high. However, it is possible to obtain a personalized quote and a teleconsultation or medical opinion, free of charge. To do so, simply send us a request via the link below.

Best Clinics with Verified Reviews

HISAR INTERCONTINENTAL cheap price Checkup 0
  • Multispecialized hospital
  • 7 operating rooms
  • Capacity é of 170 beds
Joint Commission International
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008

LIV Vadistanbul 1

Joint Commission International
ISO 9001:2008

EKOL HOSPITAL cheap price Checkup 2
  • Multispecialized hospital
  • Hospital founded in 2007
  • Very good reputation in ENT department
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008


Joint Commission International
ISO 9001:2008


Joint Commission International
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008


Joint Commission International
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008

LOKMAN HEKIM Üniversitesi 6

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008

Full health check-up in Turkey: Ultimate guide

There is no standard preventive medical examination. The general check-up may be specific, taking into account several factors such as the patient's gender and age.

Generally speaking, a full medical check-up can involve several steps, tests and examinations, such as :

Anamnesis (medical history)

The anamnesis consists of a preliminary interview before any clinical examination. This diagnostic aspect focuses on gathering information about the patient's family and medical history, as well as ethnic, socioeconomic, personal, and professional aspects. This phase involves an exchange of questions and answers between the doctor and the patient, in which no detail is overlooked, and any new information is considered important.

During the anamnesis, the physician also gathers information about the patient's immunization history, ideally from written records.

A methodical history allows the physician to address issues that the patient may never have asked about. These may include dietary habits, physical activity, sexually transmitted diseases, and mental health.

The medical history is the foundation of the preventive health examination and allows the physician to focus his or her attention. Technical examinations then supplement the information obtained from the patient's history.

Clinical examination

Based on the information gathered in the history, the physician conducts a clinical examination, which includes the collection of general data such as auscultation, palpation, weight, height, etc. The results of this examination are then compared with those of the medical history.

Paraclinical examinations and preventive measures are prescribed based on these data.

Paraclinical examination

The paraclinical may include:

  • Blood test and urinalysis.
  • Hearing and visual examinations.
  • An ECG.
  • An oral-dental examination.
  • If the patient is over 65: examination for memory problems or eye diseases (age-related macular degeneration).
  • If the patient is a smoker: chest x-ray.
  • If the patient is a female: examination-oriented to gynecology, mammography, etc.
  • If the patient previously had cancer: an oncology-oriented examination.

At the end of the check-up, the doctor concludes and suggests regular follow-up. It is also possible that the disease is diagnosed, requiring a consultation directed to a specialist.

Full health check-up: what is it for?

A full check-up is a measure that assesses the health of the patient. This way, if a disease is detected, the patient will be well-prepared to fight it. Other benefits are beneficial to patients, such as:

Prevention of age-related diseases

  • Prevention of thyroid gland illness: The first test to find a goiter is palpation. Then a blood test is possible to measure the levels of thyroid hormones. If the gland is abnormally large, an ultrasound may be done to examine the thyroid. If the latter presents an abnormality, the doctor will refer the patient to an endocrinologist.
  • Prevention of osteoporosis: From the age of fifty, a bone densitometry examination is necessary every three or five years to assess the mineral density e bone. This examination is recommended in case of spontaneous fracture, taking corticosteroids for a long time, and premature menopause.
  • Prevention of heart disease: The physical examination includes cardiac and pulmonary auscultation. This examination is recommended if the patient is a smoker, overweight or elderly.
  • Prevention of diabetes: If the patient has hyperglycemia, it will be necessary to perform a fasting blood test every trimester.
  • The hearing: Audiometry helps prevent hearing loss. It is also recommended to screen for presbycusis with an ENT (Otolaryngologist).

Prevent cancer

Several types of cancer can be treated in time thanks to a full check-up, such as:

  • Breast cancer: From the age of 40, a mammogram should be done every two years to check for possible breast cancer. Mammography can spot small lesions early, increasing the chances of recovery.
  • Cancer of the uterus: From the age of twenty, a smear is necessary every three years for sexually active women. The purpose of the smear examination is to prevent cervical cancer by checking for dysplasia.
  • Prostate cancer: When the prostate is abnormal, this gland becomes enlarged. Therefore, men have difficulty urinating. It is therefore important to perform a blood test called a PSA every two years. Depending on the result, you may need a digital rectal exam once a year to examine the prostate.
  • Colorectal cancer: From the age of fifty, an immunological test is recommended every two years to detect possible colorectal cancer. People over the age of 50 should also have a Hemoccult test (checking for blood in the stool). Depending on the results, a colonoscopy may be ordered. The latter involves studying the condition of the colon wall using a probe equipped with a camera. This test is recommended for people with a history of colon cancer. It is also necessary in cases of digestive bleeding, pain, constipation, or chronic diarrhea.

Prevention of STDs

Sexually transmitted infections are diseases caused by viruses that can be transmitted during sex. It is necessary to screen for sexually transmitted diseases two weeks after unprotected intercourse. STD screening is strongly recommended for people who have risky sex or with multiple partners.

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Frequently asked questions

The medical check-up is a series of preventive medical examinations, whether they are regular or occasional.

It is recommended to have a general health check every five years from adulthood.

The cost of a general health check-up in Turkey varies according to the patient's profile (age, sex, etc.). 

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