Weight loss, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can cause breast tissue to sag, which may require a breast lift or breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation with implants, also known as "boob job" in Turkey, is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to increase the volume of the breasts in relation to the patient's body.
Breast implants in Turkey can address issues such as small or tubular breasts that can cause discomfort, especially in intimate relationships.
- Women wishing to increase their breast size
- Women in need of breast reconstruction
- Pains
- Infection
- Implant rejection
- Breast lift
- Breast augmentation with fat injection
- The operation lasts between 1 and 2 hours
- Back to professional activities after 6 days
- Back to sports activities after 6 weeks
- Complete recovery 6 to 8 weeks after surgery
- 98%
Breast implants : Best prices in Turkey
The price of breast implants in Turkey can vary depending on the type of implant and the surgeon's experience. It typically ranges from $3.500 to $7,000 USD.
Considering a boob job with implants in Turkey:
Turquie Santé can connect you with board-certified surgeons for the procedure. We offer a free teleconsultation where you can discuss your goals and receive a detailed quote that includes all associated costs. This means no hidden fees – pre-operative exams, surgery itself, post-operative care, and even VIP transport are all factored in.
With our extensive experience in medical tourism, we have the expertise to negotiate the best cost for you and ensure top-quality cosmetic surgery and medical accommodation in Istanbul, Turkey.
Take the first step towards a transformation by requesting a free online consultation through the link below.
Best Clinics with Verified Reviews
- Multispecialized hospital
- 7 operating rooms
- Capacity é of 170 beds
- Multispecialized hospital
- Hospital founded in 2007
- Very good reputation in ENT department
Breast implants : What is it ?
Breast implants can be used to enhance or rebuild the breast, offering a natural look and improved confidence. This procedure is often used for:
- Reconstruction: Following a mastectomy (breast removal),implants can restore a natural breast shape.
- Correction: Birth defects or chest wall malformations can be addressed with breast augmentation.
During a consultation in Istanbul, a qualified plastic surgeon will discuss your desired outcome and assess your body anatomy. Based on this, they'll recommend the most suitable implant type, size, and placement for a natural and comfortable result.
Both silicone and saline implants are considered safe and effective options for breast augmentation in Turkey. The procedure itself is performed under general anesthesia, ensuring minimal discomfort during the surgery.
Types of breast implants
Breast implants generally consist of a silicone shell filled with silicone gel or saline solution.
Breast implant surgery is performed under general anesthesia.
There are two main types of breast implants:
- Silicone gel-filled breast implants: These implants more closely resemble natural breast tissue due to the thick, cohesive gel that fills them. They are available in a wider variety of shapes and sizes to help you achieve the look you want. However, their placement requires a slightly larger incision.
- Saline breast implants: A sterile saline solution is used to fill these implants. The body safely absorbs the saline in the event of a rupture. These implants can be adjusted during surgery and require a smaller incision.
In general, saline implants may feel less natural than silicone gel implants. Moreover, they are more likely to develop visible ripples or folds over time.
Breast implants come in various shapes and textures to create a natural look that complements your body. Round or teardrop? Smooth or textured? We'll discuss these options, along with size and profile, to find the perfect fit for your goals. During your consultation, a qualified plastic surgeon will explain the advantages and potential drawbacks of each implant type to help you make an informed decision.
Techniques for fitting breast implants
Breast implants can be inserted in different ways. In fact, the surgeon in Turkey will choose the right technique depending on the type of prosthesis and the characteristics of the patient.
- Periareolar insertion allows for a very good concealment of the scar, which is hidden by the different pigmentation between the breast and the nipple. It can be performed with silicone and saline implants, provided the dimensions of the prosthesis are compatible.
- The submammary insertion is done through an incision under the breast; it is the most common procedure when the prosthesis is of a certain size and the scar is visible, even if it is hidden by the breast itself when it is supported.
- Axillary insertion: In this type of surgery, the prosthesis is inserted through the axillary area. It is performed with saline implants, and the axillary cavity is used to introduce the special cannula for inserting the solution. The scar is discreet, but this procedure is not suitable for slim women.
It is generally accepted that breast implants placed under the pectoral muscle result in more natural looking breasts. This implant can't be placed if a woman doesn't have enough room under this muscle. That's why our doctors will choose the subglandular implant in this condition.
Lifespan of breast implants
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) believes that breast implants should last at least ten years. Studies have shown that some types of breast implants can last much longer, while others can last much less. That's why some women keep their breast implants for more than 20 years.
If a breast implant ruptures, additional surgery may be required to remove the implant.
In summary, breast implants have an average lifespan of 10 to 20 years.
It is important to note that breast implants do not have an expiration date or shelf life. The FDA does not consider breast implants to be a device for life.
Preoperative phase of breast implant surgery
Before every plastic surgery, you should stop consuming any medication containing Aspirin. Any other fluid-free remedy should be taken within 15 days following surgery.
It might be necessary to stop using oral contraceptives altogether, especially if there are any risk factors involved (obesity, poor venous status, clotting disorders).
The fact that the patient is a smoker presents a formal contraindication. However, quitting cigarettes one month before breast enlargement in Turkey is recommended, given its detrimental impact on the healing process after plastic surgery.
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Among our doctors for your Breast implants
Breast implants do not tighten or lift the breasts. Instead, you should have breast lift if you have sagging breasts.
Usually, this is possible because the breast prostheses will be located behind the mammary gland. However, it also depends on the type of incision.
For women wishing to breastfeed after the surgery, an inframammary incision (under the breast) or a transaxillary incision (under the axils) is recommanded. The periareolar incision (around the areola) would alter the sensitivity of the nipple and affect milk production.
There is no link between breast implants and breast cancer. This has not been scientifically proven.
The success rate of breast implants surgery in Turkey is 98%.