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Bone marrow transplantation in Turkey, Cost of procedure in Istanbul Clinics 2025

The bone marrow, a hematopoietic tissue located in the medullary cavity of the bones, is home to the hematopoietic stem cells that give rise to all blood cells. There are two types of bone marrow: red bone marrow, which is the site of hematopoiesis (blood cell production),and yellow bone marrow, which is mainly fatty.

Hematologic diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma are often associated with changes in the bone marrow. Bone marrow transplantation is a curative treatment for many of these diseases, allowing a healthy hematopoietic system to be reconstituted.

Who is this procedure for?
  • People who suffer from immunodeficiency problems.
  • People who suffer from certain cancers.
  • People who suffer from bone marrow failure.
  • People with abnormal hemoglobin molecules.
Side effects
  • Rejection of the transplant.
Recovery time
  • 2 months.
Success rate
  • 70%

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Cost of bone marrow transplant in Turkey

The cost of a bone marrow transplant in Turkey includes not only the surgical procedure, but also :

  • Pre- and postoperative hospitalization.
  • Complementary treatments.
  • Necessary medical tests.

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Joint Commission International
ISO 9001:2008

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Joint Commission International
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008


Joint Commission International
ISO 9001:2008

LOKMAN HEKIM Üniversitesi 3

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 9001:2008

Bone marrow transplant: What is it?

Bone marrow transplantation is a life-saving procedure that replaces a patient's damaged stem cells with healthy cells from a compatible donor. These stem cells are essential for the production of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

Transplantation offers a new lease on life for patients whose bone marrow has been damaged by diseases such as cancer or by severe treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation.

For both adults and children, bone marrow transplants are often the last hope for a cure.

Types of stem cell transplants

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is an important oncological treatment in Turkey. Depending on the patient's profile, four types of transplantation are possible:

  • Autograft: An autologous transplant in which the stem cells are taken from the patient and then reinjected after a conditioning period.
  • Allograft: An allogeneic transplant from a compatible, unrelated donor with the potential for a graft-versus-tumor response.
  • Reduced intensity transplant: An allogeneic transplant with less intensive conditioning aimed at reducing toxicity while maintaining therapeutic efficacy.
  • Isograft: A syngeneic transplant reserved for monozygotic twins to ensure perfect HLA compatibility and minimize the risk of rejection.

When is a bone marrow transplant needed?

Bone marrow transplantation, often from a compatible donor, is the treatment of choice for many blood disorders. It replaces diseased bone marrow with healthy stem cells from a donor.

This procedure is especially indicated in the following cases:

  • Leukemia: Cancers of blood cells that grow uncontrollably.
  • Lymphoma: Cancer of cells of the immune system.
  • Myelodysplasia: diseases of the bone marrow that affect the production of blood cells.
  • Myeloma: Cancer of plasma cells, a type of white blood cell.
  • Medullary aplasia: severe bone marrow failure.
  • Hemoglobinopathies: genetic disorders that affect hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in the blood.

Why a bone marrow transplant?

Diseased bone marrow can no longer produce enough healthy blood cells. These cells are essential for:

  • Carry oxygen around the body (red blood cells).
  • Fight infections (white blood cells)
  • Help blood clot (platelets).

By replacing diseased bone marrow with healthy stem cells, transplantation restores blood cell production and greatly improves a patient's quality of life.

Stem cell implantation process

Before the stem cell transplantation, you will spend 15 days in one of our partner clinics in Turkey. This stay is essential to prepare your body to receive the new cells. You will undergo conditioning treatment, often a combination of chemotherapy and/or radiation, to eliminate diseased cells and make room for healthy stem cells.

The transplant itself is a simple, painless infusion procedure. Once the stem cells are introduced into your body, they naturally migrate to the bone marrow, where they hone in and begin to regenerate your hematopoietic system.

You can go home after about two months. However, regular follow-up visits will be necessary to ensure that the new cells are taking root properly and to detect any possible rejection.

Risks of rejection and complications of stem cell implantation

While stem cell transplantation is a source of hope for many patients, it is not without risk. Graft rejection, particularly graft-versus-host disease (GVHD),is a major complication. This immune response is manifested by the donor's cells attacking the recipient's tissues. The skin and digestive tract are the most commonly affected organs.

To prevent these complications, doctors use immunosuppressive treatments. These drugs are designed to modulate the immune response and reduce antibody production.

Success rates and life expectancy

Allogeneic stem cell transplantation significantly improves the prognosis of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML),with one-year survival rates of up to 80% in children and 70% in adults. Donor-recipient compatibility has a significant impact on outcomes.

Without transplantation, AML is rapidly fatal. With stem cell transplantation, the majority of patients achieve a complete remission, although people over the age of 60 have a less favorable prognosis.

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Frequently asked questions

The bone marrow transplant cost in Turkey varies according to the procedure type. For autologous transplants, costs range from 16500 euros to 20500 euros. For allogeneic transplants, prices vary between 53000 euros and 66000 euros.

For a more detailed quote, please contact us directly via our platform.

Generally speaking, a sibling is considered the ideal and most compatible donor for a bone marrow transplant. As the related donor transplants can achieve a 100% success rate. This is due to the genetic compatibility of both parties, which is determined by human tissue markers called human leukocyte antigens (HLA). Nevertheless, unrelated donors with partial compatibility can be used in certain situations, although this may require high medical supervision to prevent rejection risk.

Once the cancer cells have been destroyed, bone marrow harvesting from the sternum or pelvic bone may take 1 to 2 hours. The stem cells are then transferred by intravenous infusion within a few hours. After transplantation, the recipient patient will be monitored to ensure that the transplant goes smoothly and to minimize any risk of complication.

To ensure that the transplanted cells have survived and multiplied within the bone marrow, several blood tests must be carried out. It will take two weeks to a month to ensure that the BMT has been successful.

The main techniques used to harvest bone marrow are :

  • Biopsy: using a needle inserted into the bone.
  • Aspiration: puncture of the iliac bone
  • Apheresis: collection of stem cells from peripheral blood

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